
Its hard to describe The Serpent Fool workshop. Firstly because it left me practically speechless and secondly because its transformative potential is so huge. Both in terms of ones own personal development but also how this specific work can serve as a catalyst in the major shift that is needed between the feminine and the masculine, between the humans and earth herself. The Teacher holds the work with grace, compassion, sincerity and humour. As a trained actor I knew that there are sacred and healing aspects of the fool that we haven’t seen in our time. But that I could be so powerful, true and funny, I could never have guessed. The healing mirrors that the Serpent Fool holds up is very much needed in our time.

Nina Ossavy
Actor & Director

As I near the end of the 3 year professional shamanic practitioner training I am better able to see what has worked most and best for me. It would include the wealth of shamanic knowledge evident within each component; the clear and progressive structure of topic delivery; a suitably intimate sized group and by no means least, my feeling that I was being held in the most compassionate of embrace as I moved through a personal journey of incredible growth and depth of healing.

As a result of modular inspired spiritual growth, coupled with a clear and concise methodology tool set, I was finally brought to the realisation that to become a shamanic practitioner is a closer reality than I had first supposed. Of the countless decisions I have made within my life, stepping onto this training is one of my very best and I cannot thank The Sacred Trust enough for this opportunity.

Jean Ormerod MSc
Software Developer

I had wanted to do shamanic work for a long time and it was really important to me to have teachers I respected who had integrity. I was aware of Simon Buxton and looked at The Sacred Trust website from time to time in my busy life, usually concluding that Dorset was too far away from my home in the North West of England to travel to for training courses.

Then, one day, I read the testimonials on the website. I loved what people were saying about Simon, Naomi and The Sacred Trust.

Still the cynic, I booked myself and my husband on The Shaman’s Pathway (then The Way of the Shaman) workshop in London to see for myself what the teaching was like. Light bulb moment after light bulb moment occurred during the 2-day training, questions my previous shamanic experience had generated were answered in a truly satisfying way. Simon impressed me with his intellect, tolerance and knowledge.

I applied for the 3 Year Professional Shamanic Practitioner Training shortly afterwards. I’ve just attended component 5 of 9 in the training and I have no words for what occurred. Each component is more incredible than the last.

I am with the same 21 other students on each training component. They are amazing – I have found my people. I can’t tell you how much being in this loving, supporting community means to me. My face aches from laughter when I’m with them yet I can depend on them to be with me whenever I need them, in person or in spirit, between components. As each technique is learned, we perform them on each other, resulting in the most exquisite personal healing journey.

Through various methods taught to me, I have seen Simon as the boy, the student and the teacher. His integrity and compassion are profound. He also has a wicked sense of humour on occasion which is much appreciated. I couldn’t ask for more in a teacher. My links, through Simon, to his own teachers feel like an honour I am amazed to be afforded. Simon’s 30 year shamanic experience is utterly evident as we, aspiring shamanic practitioners, are steered around possible pitfalls and guided clearly on the path yet left to make (and trust) our own discoveries.

My advice to anyone contemplating studying with The Sacred Trust is don’t hesitate, this is the real deal. Everyone should be lucky enough to learn with them – held in safety, honour and respect.

Dr Mary Hernon
Consultant Gynaecologist (Retd)

The Spirit of the Drum course was beautifully constructed and taught to deepen and broaden our relationship with the drum in many heartfelt ways. It was a very full. rich, powerful and compassionate time. It has been a transformative healing experience, and has caused a big shift in my life. I am so grateful for its many gifts, which continue to grow.

Kate Bell
Reiki Practitioner

The Spirit of the Drum course dropped me into depths and connection with the drum I have not experienced before. Simon’s facilitation and guidance felt very grounded and authentic, enabling the establishment of what felt for me to be a strong cohesive group. This in turn enabled me to quickly trust Simon, the group and the process and to be open and receptive to what the drum was bringing forth for me to experience. It is definitely a course I would recommend and one I will want to experience again.

Anne Woodcock
Teacher, Art Therapist & Supervisor

The Sacred Trust’s Spirit of the Drum workshop was possibly the most extraordinary four days of my life.

I’ve never had to work so hard, been so challenged, so full of wonder and had so much fun all in one place before. The Sacred Trust training’s always seem to give you way more than you bargained for – but in a good way! I feel stronger, more settled, better aligned, braver, full of optimism and energy even a week after this workshop ended. Its experiences and teachings will stay with me for life.

The other 19 participants were exceptional group of people with whom it was an honour to work, and Simon Buxton is simply the best teacher I have ever met. You couldn’t wish for someone with greater wisdom, kindliness, sheer strength, a safer pair of hands – or indeed a better sense of humour (which sometimes he certainly needed!)

Blessings, delights and grateful thanks to all of you for a truly astonishing time.

Nikki Bradford-La-Brooy
Author, Artist & Storyteller

What happened on The Spirit of the Drum weekend for me was profound beyond the spoken word.

For anyone who desires the sweet surrender of truth – will find the most beautiful arms to be held in with The Sacred Trust.

Allow yourself to be guided by these wonderful teachers…they will show you the possibilities like no others! And then, when all is done…you will experience the beyond…the sensation of connectivity. The one that humanity is crying out for in these times.

Lesley Gough
Equine Facilitated Psychotherapist & Soul Guide

Shamanic Curse Unravelling was my sixth course with The Sacred Trust and with Simon Buxton. Whatever aspect of shamanism is presented in a course, the subject matter always require a safe setting. In order to be able to delve deeply into the work, it is vital to feel that one is in a space where you can let go of any fears and fully embrace the work. Simon Buxton and his assistants always create such a safe working environment.

Curses can be quite scary, with gruesome details and painful stories. The subject was presented with a good deal of theory, elucidating on what a curse is, some of the culture around curses throughout time and of course teaching methods how to work with them and unravel them. This was done without any gory descriptions or antics. Simon talked about curses in a matter-of-fact way, with many references to historical events, to cultural tradition and to personal experience. The work method taught is a universal method without any cultural bias. It was presented in a step by step way with great focus on making it safe for the shamanic practitioner, yet being an efficient method for successful work. For me, this was a great way to learn the method. I was gently guided and I felt comfortable each step of the way.

The Sacred Trust Centre is situated in a lovely setting near fields and a small but beautiful forest. There are lovely footpaths to enjoy during breaks and in the mornings when greeting the land and meeting the compassionate locals spirits.

For anyone interested in deepening their exploration into shamanism I strongly recommend this course.

John Sjovik
Procurement Manager

I have been working intimately with the land, plants and nature for over 35 years, initially as a professional gardener and currently as a land artist.

This shift in focus was driven by a desire to find new ways to express and re-present my understanding of what nature and landscape is, or could be imagined, in our digital age.

Like many artists I have become disillusioned with a media dominated and manipulated version of the world and whilst Post-modern ironic artistic commentary I believe used to serve a valuable purpose in revealing untruths, I now feel a need to find within my artistic practice what perhaps could be described as a new sense of sincerity, beauty and personal truth. In short I was on a search for re-enchantment.

Maybe this all sounds very 18th century but given that my academic background in anthropology introduced me to a range of primitively shamanic practices, it became clear to me that the path to a more transcendent, self revelatory form of engagement with nature could be located within this area.

All artists seek to break with their own self restrictive conventions, to discover ways to hopefully usher in fresh ideas in order to drive their practice. With this in mind I began attending the various London based weekend and day workshops with The Sacred Trust and two years ago immersed myself more deeply in Classical Shamanism and Nature: The Visible Face of Spirit, a 5 day course at The Sacred Trust Teaching Centre in Dorset. Apart from taking me on a more spiritual path, it proved an invaluable aid to my artistic practice, opening up entirely new ways of both engaging with and experiencing nature and the land.

I felt however that to really push further I would need the guidance and support that the Two Week Training in Classical Shamanism could offer.

It is not often that one can identify life changing moments, pivotal episodes or experiences that can shake our everyday beliefs and understanding of our potential and sense of being in the world. The Sacred Trust’s Two Week Training in Classical Shamanism this year was one such moment, or more correctly I should say, a series of moments.

Whilst my time on this training was both emotional, even mind altering, I have never felt more comfortable. In such a supportive community of people I pushed myself into territories that truly surprised and awakened me.

All this may sound very existential and possibly unsettling but I had an intuitive knowing, and conscious desire, that the route to both discovering myself would also ultimately be the only truthful route to developing my practice as an artist.

The energy and focus that I have discovered through this workshop has pushed me further than I imagined and given me the confidence and a sense of personal authority in my artwork that has taken my practice in a new, and for me, powerful direction. Perhaps more importantly it has allowed me to consider more sincerely my role in life as well as my artistic career (not that they are ever inseparable).

Thank you Simon.

Tony Heywood

Working with Simon at The Sacred Trust is a special, unique experience that can offer innumerable, extraordinary, breath-taking and endlessly surprising opportunities to take steps into a more tangible relationship with the spiritual self in a joyous, whole- hearted way.

Simon creates a safe, secure, authentic space. The whole experience of being involved with Sacred Trust workshops and trainings can be a wonderful foundation from which to explore the unknown and delve deep within, to realms of potential that can keep flowering!

As a teacher Simon is full of knowledge, experience, deep compassion, humour and love. He allows a limitless, timeless space for each student to discover and empower themselves in whatever way is perfect for them at that time. He embodies the perfect guide into esoteric realms.

Thank you Simon for introducing the awesome adventure that can unlock portals in consciousness and teaches me respect for the spiritual aspects of this existence.

Ever grateful. Thanks and Love.

Jo Padmini Badger
Shamanic Practitoner