
The world appears to be in a dark place of recent years and the work that Simon Buxton and the amazing team are sharing at The Sacred Trust is essential to alleviating the suffering on the planet. Helping to return the people and planet to harmony, through ancient practices which bring us into right relationship through the understanding of the world as it was seen through the eyes of the indigenous people who came before us. The work is taught with such passion and integrity, giving novices and practitioners alike the opportunity to regain to the healing practices and knowledge of our ancestors. It felt like coming home.

Gemini Adams
Trauma Specialist and Founder of Womb Sense

The Sacred Trust is a crossroads where lineage and invention come together with extraordinary integrity and intense vision.  The creativity and care with which Simon Buxton, and all the teachers guide their students is a truly alchemical cauldron. I cannot recommend the work of The Sacred Trust highly enough, let alone begin to estimate its impact on my practice.

Joshua Ramey PhD
Author - The Hermetic Deleuze and Politics of Divination

I first met Simon Buxton in the mid-1990’s when he was hosting a series of workshops, the first of which was named  ‘The Jump to the Other Self’, and indeed I did.

Following on from what was my first glimpse of shamanism, other worlds opened up to me and I dived head-first into a whole series of Sacred Trust workshops allowing me to develop an understanding of the healing power of shamanic practice. Of course my whole being was also undergoing repair and enlightenment throughout this process which facilitated colossal positive changes to my approach, manner of living and overall outlook on life, much of which had been buried since childhood.

A few years later, Simon taught the very first Shamanic Practitioner Training and I found myself blessed to be part of an amazingly dynamic group and we all embarked on an intense adventure that culminated in being able to start our own healing practices.

Simon has created a wonder-filled, magical teaching centre and an extraordinary space where nature surrounds and protects all who choose to open themselves to the work, accompanied by teachers filled with love and integrity. We do not have to be a shaman in Peru or a native elder in Australia to know that the world urgently needs shamans and shamanic practitioners to help restore balance to our planet. Thankfully The Sacred Trust recognise this and actually consciously do something to restore this balance.

Not only will I personally be eternally grateful for Simon’s visions and teachings, which changed my life forever, but we should all be grateful for everyone at The Sacred Trust for their unselfish dedication to these sacred ways.

Nick Levitt
Shamanic Practitioner & Event Producer

I signed up for The Serpent Fool because the description of the training seemed to promise an extreme challenge; being taken to the edge, and possibly a major transformational experience and, I wanted that — more than anything.

I longed for every fiber of my being to be called upon. Maybe I wanted to feel life — its intensely extreme possibilities — to contrast a lackluster, fogginess, that had been looming for some time. I longed for such a challenge to knock me into experiencing the life I dreamed of.

Home from The Serpent Fool, I was empty, awestruck and ready. I have been fully blooming ever since. If you’re truly wanting a challenge that may re-set your life, step in completely, and The Serpent Fool is for you.

Dana Lichtstrahl
Author & Educator

Shamanic Curse Unravelling: The very name seems to speak of dark and murky times gone by – but this course brings this subject right up to date, to our time. To personally witness the effect of curses set long ago on family lineage and how they play out in our present day lives has been a profound and revealing experience. The course structure enabled me to learn step by step the nature of curses – how we can even unintentionally curse ourselves and others and the far reaching effects these can have in our lives and the lives of others. Exploring ancestral and lineage curses and being able to unravel them with a strong circle of people likewise drawn to do this work was an honour and a privilege. Being shown how to work safely and with support from specific spiritual allies and fellow participants by Simon’s clear and compassionate teaching is a gift that I treasure. What I take from this course is a sense of the invisible word becoming more visible, layer by layer, and a deeper understanding of the unseen forces that are playing out in our lives and influencing our daily decisions and actions.

Compassionate Depossession Training: The name says it all, compassion for those who are lost and weary and wanting to finally go home. This course takes the demonization out of possession and reinstates the love and compassion which is so essential for final resolution. To be able to witness human souls or beings from other places finally being able to have the road home illuminated for them is hard to describe in words. Not even profound does it justice – there are no words, just a deep feeling of relief. For me learning about different types of possession, how it can happen, how being possessed can affect physical and mental health was fascinating. Participating in the depossession process both as ‘client’ and ‘shaman’ has been truly life changing. Seeing how I have been overshadowed and influenced by other life forces in my field during my life has been humbling, and the depossessions have had the effect for me of creating increasing clarity out of confusion. Knowing that now I am freer and more able to make decisions that are heart centred and true for me is so welcome.

Anne Smith
Touchstone Coaching

My training at The Sacred Trust over this past year has been life-changing. I’ve spent a great deal of my life exploring the unseen worlds: I’ve been lucky enough to travel to the pyramids of Egypt, wander India on foot, travel the jungles of Peru and sit in extended meditation for months on end. Through my travels and explorations of the esoteric I’ve developed a nose for quality work, so it is with some degree of authority, as a wanderer and seeker, that I can attest to The Sacred Trust’s high degree of quality instruction. But it would be only half the story to say that one visits The Sacred Trust simply for quality instruction. The Trust’s courses provide direct experience, and the work of directly exploring the topics presented is what leaves me with a heart-felt grin on my face. Through all the work that I have undertaken here, I’ve personally experienced the capacity for this work to meaningfully transform one’s life. For anyone looking for a direct experience of the profound, you’ve come to the right place.

Sascha Kyssa
MACP Student - Sofia University, Palo Alto, California

Working with deconstructing curses can be complex and intricate. Simon Buxton’s teaching and holding on the Shamanic Curse Unravelling course is impeccable. He guides you professionally, safely, gently and with exceptional clarity through all the stages and complexities of the work. The course is structured in such a way that you are given time and repetition of the practises so that your skill and confidence can grow or be consolidated. I found the work fascinating, challenging and highly rewarding. I came away enthused, knowledgeable and ready to take on clients who need this work. This level of integrity comes through Simon’s own experience and the depth of his work and I thank him and The Sacred Trust wholeheartedly for the courses that they offer.

Sue Marcantonio
Shamanic Facilitator and Body Worker

The Spirit of the Drum is a profound and hugely rewarding course. It provides the opportunity to open the mind, connect with spirit and discover the true nature of the drum. You will never hear a drum beat in the same way again, and all for the better. There are many aspects to the drum which are explored throughout the course, providing enlightening insight and perspective. Not a word is wasted by the course leader, every statement and phrase both eloquently delivered, and full of purpose and meaning. There is much to gain from this course, and you will have your efforts returned in abundance. Come with no expectations and you will leave with the unexpected. As a musician, I wanted to leave the technical side far behind see what lay beyond the everyday musicality of the instrument. I came away with much more than I could ever have thought possible. The knowledge gained from this course has many levels, for some it can enhance and build on existing skills and experiences, for me it was a gear shift into new unchartered waters of understanding. I had felt the call of the drum for some time, but never managed to act on it until now. I only wish I had done this sooner. If you feel drawn to it, with a sense of intrigue, then it is for you.

Jez Smith
Period Musician & Historic Life Interpreter

I had reached a point in my life where I needed to discover my own ‘indigeny’, rather than those of others. The Sacred Trust and her faculty have safely guided me to go beyond my very edge in the most ancient of ways, to the most ancient of Beings, to help me to remember the Sacred Partnerships. There are times I have had to trust them with my life. I did!…and would again.

Emily Ticehurst

For more than 3 decades I have been attending workshops not just in the UK, but in Europe and The U.S. I have also spent months in the Amazon Jungle, being trained by a Shipibo master healer.

I was searching for serious shamanic training when I came upon The Sacred Trust. After all the years of searching, I have finally found the diamond I was looking for. The level of teaching is the highest I have encountered and it is an ongoing joy and an ever enriching and deepening experience attending the courses on offer.

I am now on the second year of the three years shamanic practitioner course. It is the best thing I have ever done. I feel blessed.

Zohar Bahir
Airline Pilot (retd)